4nids.com – Due to its wide and expansive design, a tropical basement can be your most convenient and ideal catch-all area in the house. This is especially so if you are seeking a project that will be cheaper than what a standard one would cost. However, when browsing tropical basement design ideas, always consider your family’s needs and whether or not the room can best serve as a playroom, games room, media room, family room, or even home office. The design you come up with should embody all these while also allowing for enough storage for whatever household items you have in the basement. Here are a few ideas:
Living Room

If your living area is the entertainment area for the family or for the kids, a tropical-themed tropical basement will be a great idea. Make use of all the available space by having a large overhead ceiling projector screen and placing a large blow-up beach ball above the area. Add a sofa set right on top of the projector and voila! You have an instant entertainment center complete with all the accessories needed for a fun tropical room.
For a tropical theme in the living area, you can have a bamboo floor and use it as the base of the stairs leading to the upper level of the tropical basement. This will create a tropical motif on any visitor’s first visit. Make sure to have sufficient lighting in the room to make sure there is no danger of people getting too lost. You can further emphasize the tropical feel by hanging palm trees on either side of the stairs leading to your tropical room.

For a play area in the tropical basement, you can make use of tiki torches to light the way and add a touch of the tropics to the room. Try hanging palm fronds from the ceiling and cover the walls with tropical plant hoses. Hang hammocks from the ceiling and let natural living room lights shine down on the island paradise. Allow your children to run around and pretend they are on the tropical island. Once they have gone exploring, encourage them to take a snack home.
Your tropical basement will also make a perfect playroom for the kids. Try to design the room with jungle sounds to help set the mood for a play session. For the ultimate in pretend fun, pair up one of the younger kids with one of the older. They can act out their own fantasy while experiencing the warmth and fun of the tropical climate in the room.

The tropical theme can extend to the kitchen as well. Create a tropical kitchen with all the natural elements available. Place green palm trees on the countertops and place jars of fresh fruits and vegetables on the kitchen counters. Buy a green jar candle for a charming touch and add some air fresheners to keep the children happy.
Tropical Furniture

In order to fully experience the tropical theme, decorate your tropical basement furniture around the central theme. You may want to use the colors green, yellow, and orange to create a tropical umbrella. You can also get all the modern amenities you need along with the television, stereo and the latest video games. This will allow you to fully escape once the children are gone for the day.
If you don’t care for the idea of having tropical themes in your home, just keep in mind that tropical basement decor is easy to accessorize with. Add a little bit of natural material like wicker or bamboo to the walls and tables to add a soft lush look to the room. Add up the decorative items you have and see how much more you can make the room come to life. You can be sure that your tropical basement will bring you years of joy as you escape to an exotic island paradise.