5 Popular Expensive Desserts In The World – Favorite and Delicious

expensive desserts in the world

Something sweet, fresh, and has a variety of attractive appearance has become a favorite of all people, like a dessert. However, did you know there are expensive desserts in the world? Probably for most people do not know if there is a fancy dessert even expensive. But the fact is true.

Do you typical people who like a dessert? Yeah, at this time, dessert is kind of food that you can eat anytime. Not only after had dinner, but also for your lunch or when you hang out with your friend, you may choose it for eating. With a wide variety of tasty and interesting preparations were able to make these foods much loved for all kinds of circles. For those of you who like different kinds of dessert, have you ever find a wide variety of expensive desserts in the world? or even you already know about it?

Ok, today I choose a unique topic of this food that I will review in my article. This is a very interesting topic and fitted to be discussed because we know dessert that is currently booming, especially for young people. Don’t wait any longer, let us see what are they here.

5 Amazing Desserts In This World

  1. Frozen Haute Chocolate

    the-frozen-haute-chocolateUntil now artificial sundae from Serendipity 3 always entered as a sundae (ice cream mix) which most expensive in the world, at a price of 10 million per serving. But this time, they really tried like crazy. Frozen Haute Chocolate for $ 250 Million, this is the result of cooperation between Serendipity 3 and expert jewelry maker, Euphoria New York. This is a mixture of 28 kinds of chocolate, and 14 of them are exotic and most expensive chocolate in the world. It also contains 5 grams of edible gold and there is also a gold bracelet with diamonds at the bottom of the glass.

  2. Platinum Cake

    platinum cakeThis dessert is rarely to produce, but the cake for $ 1.3 billion like this is certainly not going to miss the beauty of lustrous colors. This cake was made by Nobue Ikara, a famous pastry chef from Japan, in recognition of women. This cake dedicated to the famous Japanese women like Rinko Kikuchi and Chie Kumazawa for expected to encourage women to want to use jewelry from Platinum.

  3. Chocolate Variation

    chocolate variation

    Prices of various kinds of chocolate are served at Mezzaluna, the Italian restaurant at the Lebua Hotel, Bangkok is reached 5.4 Million. This fancy dessert involves sheets of edible gold, champagne sherbet champagne from Roederer Cristal Brut 2000 and crème brûlée. The series of sweet foods is closed with Perigord truffles, Chocolate Mousse strawberry, and a piece of chocolate cake.
  4. Strawberries Arnaud

    straberries arnaudWe certainly know that the Strawberries Arnaud recipe is strawberry ice cream, with lemon and red wine. But the strawberry in the restaurant Arnaud in News Orleans, USA, is not just a regular piece of fruit. The difference is in the topping, a 4.7-carat pink diamond ring that once belonged to Sir Ernest Cassel, the only one in the world. The price of this ice cream is 14 Billion because there is an exclusive ring earlier and the strawberry drinks are also served with Charles X Crystal precious 250 Million per bottle.

  5. Cake Sultan

    cake sultan

    This cake only served at Ciragan Palace in Istanbul, this cake is a cake with a taste of the most exciting and luxurious that you can find. Cake made for 72 hours it contains figs, quince (a kind of orange) and pears marinated in Jamaican Rum for at least two years. Topping cake is made of caramel, truffle, and can already be seen from the picture, sheets of edible gold. The price is 10 million.

Do you want to try it? Surely you were shocked after you know the price and the ingredients which contain in it, right? Yeah, this kind of expensive desserts in the world above was very incredible and amazing. If you are curious, maybe you can try the favorite of fancy desserts like the following picture above!

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