Hill Climb Racing Basic Guide || See the Important Information About This Game!

hill climb racing basic guide

This is the only smartphone game which we cannot understand. The gameplay is really weird and there is no clear objective at all. Although this game is really ridiculous, we keep playing this one because it is really addicted. For people who have the same opinion as us, you need to see our Hill Climb Racing basic guide to solve your problem and become the number one player.


hill climb racing gameplay

All vehicles have a fuel. You need to consider this one in order to finish the stage on time. We know it is hard to guess when the fuel will empty completely. But the developer of the game is really kind. You can use all the extra fuel which scatter on the field. Be sure to pick this one to refill it. Although it is hard to reach, you need to try because the fuel in this game is like your life.

Slippery Road

Sometimes you will find this kind of road. You cannot do anything about this except to move forward. We know it will decrease your vehicle speed and fuel drastically. For your information, only some stages which have a road like this. If you already know it, you can use a heavy vehicle like a tank to save up your fuel. If you choose another light vehicle, you already know what will happen in the end.


hill climb racing stage

In order to play more stages, you need to unlock them with coins. We are sure all of you confuse how to get more stages in this game. The requirement not only the coins, you must finish the previous stage in order to unlock the new one and coins act as a key to open it. For a reminder, save up your currency if possible. Do not waste it before you unlock all the stages in the game.

Forest Trees

The annoying obstacles in this game. If you bump into a tree with a light vehicle, it will jump and flip back. If you cannot keep the balance, you need to retry the stage once more. Once again, the heavy vehicle is needed. But, if you can keep your balance it does not matter which vehicle you use on the stage.

Final Words

That is all about the important information you should know about the game. If you still have a lot of question, do not hesitate to write down your thoughts in the comment section below. We will help you quickly to clear all your problem within this game. Before we parting away, use Hill Climb Racing hack tool which we recently found. This is a great one to generate free gems and coins.

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