Hiking Tips For Beginners – The Best Guide To Prepare Before Starting Adventure

hiking tips for beginners

Are you interested in hiking activity? Are you a beginner of hiking? For that, you should know what hiking tips for beginners which very safe and any preparation we should know before starting the adventure. Hiking is not only done by a traveler, but this activity becomes a favorite and done among young people, especially students. Many of them are experienced while doing this traveling, most of the people maybe haven’t understood with this activities. Most of the beginner hiker have more motivation to hike because they want to get new experience which full of challenges.

Mountain climbing is an activity that anyone, whether male, female, children, and elderly can do. This travel activity can bring us closer to nature. Of course, before hiking, we should do any preparation. Therefore, there are hiking tips for beginners which you should follow. Hiking is not only of tracking activities, summit, photographs at the top, or down back to the basecamp. But there is a value that we can take the meaning of ourselves. For that, let’s see what tips we need to know as a beginner hiker below!

Tips For Beginners Hiker Before Hiking

tips for beginners hiker

Learn the location of hiking

One important preparation before hiking is learning the terrain and location of your destination mountain. Why? Because each mountain has a different climbing path. Besides that, we can also prepare our stamina before traveling.

Exercise before going up the mountain

Do not take lightly on the way up the mountain. This activity is in need of a good stamina and good body condition for the traveler to get to the top. Therefore you need exercise a few weeks before the day of climbing, such as jogging. Do exercise regularly, don’t forget to balance with your rest time.

Prepare the required equipment

Usually, climbers need an equipment such as carrier bags, hiking boots, jackets, folding knives, raincoats, portable cookware, flashlights, whistles, compasses, and medicine. If you are camping on the mountain, do not forget to bring a mat, tent, and sleeping bag. The carrier bag should be adjusted to the duration of your trip. For a long trip, you can carry a carrier bag with the size of 80 liters. Choose a portable cooking device for light and easy to use.

Obtain permission and report on the climbing post

Before we hiking, we must report and obtain permission from related parties, especially in the climbing post. At this climbing post, fill in the guest book with the date of the ascent, complete address and phone number of family or friends who can be contacted in case of disaster on the mountain. After returning (down) from the mountain climb do not forget to report back to the Climbing Post.

Pray and be polite

Get used to pray first before starting the mountain climbing. When climbing, remind yourself and your friends to stay polite. Try one team of yours not to over-act or to talk abusively.

If you want to hike, please you must read and know the hiking tips for beginner above. This will may help you to prepare your mentally and physically while starting this adventure. So, let’s check the best guide to hiking here right now! Good luck 🙂

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