The Nail Care Tips – Natural Manicure Steps To Make Healthy and Beauty Nail

nail care tips

Hi, girls! Welcome back to my daily website. This time I will be back to share about female beauty treatments. What is that? Yeah, that is the nail care tips. As a woman surely you really need this information, right?

Yeah, as we know the nail is an important piece of our hands that we must keep the cleanliness and health. Moreover, for women, this is one part the beauty of nail appearance. There are so many women who do care to a salon for a manicure their nails to be healthy and beautiful. However, if your budget is limited, you do not need to bother to think about it. There are some natural ingredients that you can use in the nail care tips. Surely you are curious to know about it, right? Okay, do not wait any longer, immediately check it below.

The Best Manicure Nail Steps Using Natural Ingredients

  1. Starfruit (wuluh)

    starfruit wuluh

This is one of fruit that has a very sour taste. This fruit contains a lot of vitamin C which is very high. Because of its acidic nature, starfruit effectively used for treating the nails so shiny.
The way how to use it is, by splitting starfruit, and rub it on the surface of the nail until it looks clean and beautiful.

2. Lemon


This is a natural ingredient that has been widely used for beauty treatments. One of them is a nail care. Lemon contains vitamin C which is high enough so that it can make your nails look more beautiful and shiny.
How to use it is also very easy, just grab a lemon and cut out into several sections.
Use lemon slices to clean the nail until it looked clean. Then, set aside for a while before rinsing or cleaned with a water.

3. Watermelon rind

watermelon rind

Obviously, watermelon skin that looks doesn’t have the benefit this one, can be used for beautiful nails. The trick is rubbing watermelon rind on the surface of your nails. After that, waiting until the watermelon attached to the nails was dry before you clean it. Then if it’s dry already, you may rinse using a water until clean.

4. Garlic


Garlic is also used as a food seasoning which can also be used to treat a nail in order to look more beautiful. In addition to making nail cleaner, the use of garlic also can strengthen the nails, so that are not easily broken.
How to use it? Just take a clove of garlic, then cut and brush or rub it on the nail to be cleaned. For you who have long nails, you can plug on the garlic on your nails for a few minutes to strengthen your nails, so it is not easily broken.

5. Aloe vera

aloe vera

In aloe vera, there is content a natural gel that can make your nails healthy. How to use this natural material is very easy, just rubbing aloe vera gel on your nails for a while until it dry, then you may wash it.

So, let’s go follow the nail care tips above, this may save your budget, so you don’t need to go to a salon to manicure your nails. Just apply those simple steps of manicure nail to make a healthy and beauty nail. Hopefully, this will bring you a lot of advantages. Good luck!

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