Simple Fashion Styles That Fit All Body Types

1121 – You probably know, for those of you who happen to be involved in the simple fashion style, the newest fashion style which is being worn by so many individuals today can almost be identified and it’s your enthusiasm and your new style isn’t always the same tacky one anymore. The new fashion isn’t necessarily the hip, popular one anymore and that’s the truth. The latest trends aren’t always the ones which are trendy or the fashionable ones. The current trend is a bit more realistic and reasonable too.

Simple Dress Style Ideas

To take another example, you can easily take this idea for another example. Let’s say that you’re wearing a simple outfit like a pair of sweat pants, a simple top, some simple sneakers and perhaps a simple cardigan. The entire outfit is plain and simple but you feel very comfortable in it and you think to yourself that this is actually really good and quite stylish. This outfit would be perfect for any kind of occasion or environment. It wouldn’t look odd when you’re going out to work with it and you wouldn’t have to worry about other people judging you. So how does that image via the simple fashion style above translate into an image via another example?

Say for example that you wear the cropped sleeveless top with skinny jeans. Now let’s say that this top isn’t really your favorite and you haven’t tried it on before but you do realize that you actually have to have at least one sleeveless top this season. Now it’s not your fault because of course this is the current fashion trend and this is the kind of top that will be in vogue this season. But you know from experience that it isn’t the most flattering look for your body shape so you immediately go back to your baggy shirts and baggy jeans. This is the classic case of the simple fashion style not working for you and yet it’s not the look that you want to wear either.

Simple Fashion Style with Sports Wear

Your third example is an image via a simple fashion style but this time with a tracksuit. Let’s say that this particular outfit is actually flattering to your body shape and your work schedule and you know from experience that this is the outfit that you should wear, yet you also know that you can’t go wrong with a black tracksuit. So you head out to the mall with your new tracksuit and you know from experience that you can’t go wrong. You put it on at work and you turn heads because obviously this isn’t your normal everyday outfit, yet you feel really comfortable in it.

There’s still one more simple fashion style that I want to talk about today which is an image via social media. I’m talking about a simple outfit that you can wear to a friend’s or family member’s house who is a little bit off your normal comfort zone. For example if you’re at the local coffee shop having a good chat with a friend and they happen to ask you whether or not you have had enough coffee, you could reply “No” without really thinking about it. Or you could instead say “I’ve had enough of the black cup of Joe, I need some black coffee.” This would be seen as being a positive thing because it shows that you are sociable and open to trying something new, but because of the context it doesn’t really show the person that you’re talking to; it simply means that you’re agreeing with them (in a somewhat insincere way) and that you like their company.

So now we come to our third example, an image via social media. Let’s say that you’re at a friends party and you get asked if you know this person, you could reply “Yes I know this guy, he’s my friend.” This will of course be seen as a nice compliment but it’s not really a socially acceptable style of response because it immediately states that you’re agreeing with the other person without necessarily questioning why they asked you. The problem with this image via social media is that it can also be seen as a challenge. If the person you’re responding to says “You know I am, but I wouldn’t ask you that unless you’ve done something that I would like.”

Finding the Simple Way That Fits

Your simple fashion style guide is about being yourself. If you’re someone who finds basic clothing boring, then don’t buy basic clothing because you can just wear oversized button up shirts with a large logo for fun. If you’re someone who doesn’t do well with colors, find simple ways to make them work for you. Don’t be afraid to be true to yourself and to show people what’s truly important to you. Simple fashion styles will always work because if you don’t like what you’re wearing people will know it and you’ll look weird, but if you love what you wear people will see that and they’ll respect you more.

Don’t be afraid to mix and match in your simple fashion style guides. You might have a picture of a cute dress that would look good on someone with a body frame that is too large. You can find plain tee’s in solid colors that go with every shape and size. There are many different colors and styles that go well with all types of frames and with all sorts of figures so you shouldn’t have any problem mixing and matching through out the year.

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