5 Best Brain Teaser Games for Android – Good Game to Boost Your Logic

best brain teaser games for android

From many games that exist, there are also games that use our logic to playing it. So many the best brain teaser games for Android, but not necessarily interesting and exciting. Google Play Store provides a lot of games like this, you can download it for your android. Do you know what games can help improve our IQ?

Some of the brain teasers, as well as the latest ones, are quite exciting and possible to play that can increase our Level IQ. Besides it’s very fun, we become smarter because the game can sharpen our brain and boost our logic. Regarding the best android brain teasers and also the latest that can make your brain become smarter, for more details let’s see the following things below.

5 Mind-Bending Android Games to Boost Our Logic


1. Scribblenauts Remix

Scribblenauts Remix is one of the best brain teaser games for android, that is the best puzzle game to play. Brain teasers are not only exciting and fun, but this game is also presented with a million interesting puzzles that will certainly make us curious.
Perhaps for the beginner, it will take a bit of an extra fight in overcoming the tricky puzzles of the best mind-bending games.

the curse game

2. The Curse

This one of best brain teaser games which that suitable for all ages to play. This game requires you to solve 100 kinds of puzzles so you can escape the curse of a mannequin. There are variations of the type of puzzle offered in this brain teaser game, from re-ordering the puzzle, using memory, fore, and puzzles.

2048 number puzzle game

3. 2048 Number Puzzle

This game is one of the best android brain teasers game which very popular and exciting to play. You must try to play this game because this like combining a bingo and puzzle game to sharpen the brain as well. How to play it is simple enough, you just need to shift the number blocks in the empty space box to fill in the numbers then you have to count the numbers by multiplying on one line, and 1 line the multiplication result must be 2048. This game can also be played in Multiplayer.

the sims game

4. The Sims

The game is about the daily social life of someone who is more referring to the lives of Westerners. By playing this game, we can design the house with our own ideas and create a social life in this game. Our brains will be more active and creative because of The Sims game. So that our logic and level of creativity will work well.

tiny thief game

5. Tiny Thief

The game requires you to steal from the rich and give it all to the poor. You are like a Robin Hood who uses trickery and cunning skills to outsmart and steal things from corrupt riches. This little puzzle game has stunning visuals and a good sense of humor, but don’t let it fool you because Tiny Thief presents the best mind-bending puzzles while facing fearsome opponents like rough pirates, giant robots, dark knights, etc. This game is one of best brain teaser game which fun to play.

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